To provide a brief update, I'm still working on some background research for the introductory posts. I debated diving into the confessions before posting the historical background to each, but decided against that. So it will probably still be a while before I'll start posting about the content of the confessions.
In the meantime, here are two resources that discuss the role of confessions. The first is a new book by Carl Trueman, professor of church history at Westminster: The Creedal Imperative, in which he makes an argument for how creeds, confessions, and catechisms can and should function in modern evangelicalism. This really is an excellent book and one I would eagerly recommend to any Christian.
The second is a brief video about the 5-volume collection of the Minutes and Papers of the Westminster Assembly (the committee which wrote the Westminster Confession and Catechisms), which will be released later this month, and the importance of these historical documents for everyday contemporary life.
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